bưng bít | * verb - To cover up, to suppress, to hush up =mọi tin tức đều bị bưng bít+all news was suppressed; there was a complete black-out of news |
bưng bít | - to leave something unsaid; to cover/smother/hush up; to suppress; to conceal|= báo chí phản động thường bưng bít sự thật reactionary papers usually suppress facts|= mọi tin tức đều bị bưng bít all news was suppressed; there was a complete black-out of news |
* Từ tham khảo/words other:
- bãi chứa hàng
- bãi chứa xe
- bãi chức
- bãi cỏ
- bãi cỏ rộng